Nanaimo Schools
School District 68 has 37 elementary schools, 7 secondary schools and 5 secondary alternate schools. Below are the schools listed by name, with the school's address, principal's name, secretary's name, grade levels at the school and the September 2000 enrolment at the school.
- Bayview Elementary - 140 View Street, Nanaimo V9R 4N6 - 754-3231 Principal Donna Dojack, Secretary TBA, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 221 students
- Brechin Elementary - 510 Millstone Ave., Nanaimo V9S 5A9 - 754-7523 Principal Brent Busch, Secretary Barb Suttie, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 204 students
- Chase River Elementary - 1503 Cranberry Ave., Nanaimo V9R 6R7 - 754-6983 Principal Sharyn Andruski-Collins, Secretary Ruth Williams, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 311 students
- Cilaire Elementary - 25 Cilaire Drive, Nanaimo V9S 3C9 - 758-7941 Principal Terry Mazzei, Secretary Pat Mitchell, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 201 students
Cinnabar Valley Elementary - 1800 Richardson Road, Nanaimo V9X 1C9 - 716-1030 Principal Howard Bright, Secretary Debby Bewick, Kindergarten to Grade 7
Coal Tyee Elementary - 2280 Sun Valley Dr., Nanaimo V9T 5X5 - 729-0450 Principal Bob Padgham, Secretary Colleen Gale, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 289 students
Davis Road Elementary - 444 Parkhill Terrace, Ladysmith V9G 1W5 - 245-7187 Principal Jill Wilkie, Secretary Darleen Michell, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 139 students
- Departure Bay Elementary - 3004 Departure Bay Rd., Nanaimo V9T 1B4 - 758-6541 Principal Roger Douglas, Secretary Bonny Bowers, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 266 students
- Dufferin Crescent Elementary - 1111 Dufferin Cres., Nanaimo V9S 2B5 - 753-0264 Principal Kelly McKee, Secretary Carol Webster, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 255 students
- Extension Elementary - 2120 Ryder Street, RR#1, Nanaimo V9R 5K1 - 753-1549 Principal Sharyn Andruski-Collins, Secretary Ruth Williams, Grades 1-2 - 39 students
- Fairview Community - 205 Howard Ave., Nanaimo V9R 3R3 - 753-3418 Principal Bob Cook, Vice-Principal Diane Goodman, Secretary Sharon Thorpe, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 388 students
- Forest Park Elementary - 2050 Latimer Rd., Nanaimo V9S 2W5 - 758-6892 Principal Nick Becir, Secretary Faye Gentry, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 305 students
- Frank J. Ney Elementary - 5301 Williamson Rd., Nanaimo V9V 1L1 - 729-8045 Principal Val Cooke, Secretary Lola Denesyk, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 231 students
- Gabriola Elementary - Box 130, North Road, Gabriola Island V0R 1X0 - 247-9342 Principal Linda Case, Secretary Colette Houle, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 252 students
- Georgia Avenue Community - 625 Georgia Ave., Nanaimo V9R 3W3 - 753-1044 Principal Janine Longy, Vice-Principal Parmjit Parmar, Secretary Bobbie Warners, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 519 students
- Hammond Bay Elementary - 1025 Morningside Drive, Nanaimo V9T 1N6 - 758-5711 Principal Gavin Cooper, Secretary Chris Frederickson, Kindergarten to Grade 7 (also K-Grade 2 French Immersion) - 205 students
- Ecole Harewood Elementary School- 505 Howard Ave., Nanaimo V9R 3S5 - 754-9461 Principal Peter Hewitt, Secretary Sue Swanson, Kindergarten to Grade 7 (French Immersion) - 106 students
- Ladysmith Intermediate - Box 849, 317 French St., Ladysmith V0R 2E0 - 245-3351 Principal Bob Aspen, Vice-Principal Ruane Dumler, Secretary Donna Laffin, Grades 4 to 7 - 382 students
- Ladysmith Primary - Box 910, 510 Sixth Ave., Ladysmith V0R 2E0 - 245-3912 Principal Peter Skipper, Secretary Doreen Letham, Kindergarten to Grade 3 - 312 students
- McGirr Elementary - 6199 McGirr Road, Nanaimo V9V 1C7 - 758-8946 Principal Wayne Reis, Vice-Principal Tony Saremba, Secretary Lynda Burnett, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 466 students
- Mountain View Elementary - 2480 East Wellington Road, Nanaimo V9R 5K3 - 753-2831, Principal Neil Dillabaugh, Vice-Principal Don Ballard, Secretary Linda Totzke, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 430 students
- Mount Benson Elementary - 4355 Jingle Pot Rd., Nanaimo V9T 5P4 - 758-1536 Principal Ron Sandland, Secretary TBA, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 267 students
- North Cedar Intermediate - 2215 Gould Road, Nanaimo V9S 1J9 - 722-2722 Principal Tony Mayor, Secretary Anette Hjort, Grades 4-7 - 303 students
- North Oyster Elementary - 13470 Cedar Rd., Ladysmith V9G 1H6 - 245-3330 Principal Don Andersen, Secretary Shannon Toolen, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 208 students
- Park Avenue Community - 395 Eighth St., Nanaimo V9R 1A9 - 754-5591 Principal Shelley de Turberville, Secretary Gail Raper, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 274 students
- Ecole Pauline Haarer Elementary School - 400 Campbell St., Nanaimo V9R 3G7 - 754-2722 Principal Anita Brideau, Secretary Wendy Dines, Kindergarten to Grade 7 (French Immersion) - 228 students
- Pleasant Valley Elementary - 6201 Dunbar Rd., Nanaimo V9T 2P2 - 390-4027 Principal Linda Dodd, Secretary Margaret Ellis, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 272 students
- Princess Anne Elementary - 1951 Estevan Rd., Nanaimo V9S 3Y9 - 754-5442 Principal Dave Elmore, Secretary Linda Cowling, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 110 students
- Princess Royal Elementary - 260 Irwin St., Nanaimo V9R 4X5 - 753-8111 Principal Susan Wilks, Secretary Eleanor Nielsen, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 81 students
- Ecole Quarterway Elementary School - 1632 Bowen Rd., Nanaimo V9S 1G6 - 754-6845 Principal Francine John, Secretary Barb Hickson, Kindergarten to Grade 7 (Dual track - English and French Immersion) - 283 students
- Randerson Ridge Elementary - 6021 Nelson Road, Nanaimo V9T 5N7 - 758-5076 Principal George Tyre, Vice-Principal Jacqueline Poulin, Secretary Laura Paterson, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 364 students
- Rock City Elementary - 3741 Departure Bay Rd., Nanaimo V9T 1C5 - 758-2434 Principal Heather Bronson, Secretary Adele Klatt, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 344 students
- Rutherford Elementary - 5840 Hammond Bay Rd., Nanaimo V9T 5M6 - 758-5331 Principal Christine Southwick, Secretary Debbie Church, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 335 students
- Seaview Elementary - 7000 School Rd., Lantzville V0R 2H0 - 390-4022 Principal Gregg Halfyard, Secretary Sue Sahlstrom, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 362 students
- South Wellington Elementary - 1536 Morden Rd., Nanaimo V9X 1S2 - 754-2873, Principal Gary Dodd, Secretary Darlene Ludvigson, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 103 students
- Uplands Park Elementary - 3821 Stronach Dr., Nanaimo V9T 3X4 - 758-3252 Principal Marie Harel, Secretary Stella Robinson, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 345 students
- Waterloo Elementary - 3519 Hallberg Rd., Ladysmith V9G 1K1 - 245-7612 Principal Lillian Carefoot, Secretary Sharon Binng, Kindergarten to Grade 7 - 104 students
- Woodbank Primary - 1984 Woobank Rd., Nanaimo V9X 1K6 - 722-3644 Principal Cindy Stanley, Secretary Trixie Neufeld, Kindergarten to Grade 3 - 248 students
- Cedar Community Secondary - 1640 MacMillan Road, Nanaimo V9X 1L9 - 722-2414 Principal Lee Venables, Vice-Principals Greg Fraser and Dave Stupich, Secretary Lori Jones, Grades 8 to 12 (Grades 8-11 in 2000-2001) - 387 students
- Dover Bay Secondary - 6135 McGirr Road, Nanaimo V9V 1M1 - 756-4595 Principal Jeet Purhar, Vice-Principals John Olsen, Lisa Robinson and Dan Ryan, Secretary Sandy Hardy, Grades 8 to 12 - 1647 students
- Five Acres Secondary - 897 Harbour View St., Nanaimo V9R 4V4 - 754-5341 Principal Sean McKierahan, Vice-Principal Stephen Inniss, Secretary Lori Currell - 33 students
- John Barsby Community Secondary - 550 7th St., Nanaimo V9R 3Z2 - 753-8211 Principal Sean McKierahan, Vice-Principals Sherry Elwood and Ray Ward, Secretary Pat Husband, Grades 8 to 12 - 964 students
- Ladysmith Secondary - Box 190, 710 Sixth Ave., Ladysmith V9G 1A2 - 245-3043 Principal John Phipps, Vice-Principals Shyma Mohit and Dave Street, Secretary Heather Slowski, Grades 8 to 12 - 835 students
- Nanaimo District Secondary - 355 Wakesiah Ave., Nanaimo V9R 3K5, 740-2000 Principal Ray Kocher, Vice-Principals Jill Bailey/John Blain and Darren Freeman, Secretary Donna Murphy, Grades 8 to 12 - 1241 students
- Northbrook Learning Centre - 29-1925 Bowen Road, Nanaimo V9S 1H1 - 756-4685 Principal Terry Ryan, Vice-Principal Scott Saywell, Secretary Judie Mackie, 79 students
- Northfield Secondary - 2249 Northfield Rd., Nanaimo V9S 3C3 - 758-2222 Principal Terry Ryan, Vice-Principal Scott Saywell, Secretary Judie Mackie - 36 students
- VAST - 10 Strickland St., Nanaimo V9R 4R9 - 753-4012, Principal Sean McKierahan, Vice-Principal Stephen Inniss, Secretary Amy Leung - 108 students
- Wellington Secondary - 3135 Mexicana Rd., Nanaimo V9T 2W8 - 758-9191 Principal Rob Strachan, Vice-Principals Graham Gates and Marty Cross, Secretary Janette Mayea, Grades 8 to 12 - 1047 students
- Woodlands Secondary - 1270 Strathmore St., Nanaimo V9S 2L9 - 753-2271 Principal Terry Ryan, Vice-Principals Mike Ferguson and Susann Young, Secretary Debbie Sywak, Grades 8 to 12 - 779 students
- Career Technical Centre - 355 Wakesiah Ave., Nanaimo, V9R 3K5 - 740-2000 Acting Coordinator John Blain. The CTC offers an alternate program for Grade 11 students in Information Technology, Automotive Technology and Applied Business Technology.